Taking care of your body is not just about being ripped year round. By tracking certain health markers we improve vitality, performance, longevity and quality of life. These health markers give us an indication of whether our health is where it needs to be and what needs work. The first step is to get some blood work done (I get mine done by Bioniq once every 3-4 months). Once we have the results here are, what I believe, are some of the most important ones to look at:
Triglycerides to HDL Ratio (TC/HDL): Triglycerides is basically fat floating through your blood stream, too much of if leads to heart disease and stroke. HDL cholesterol protects you against those conditions so ideally we want that ratio as low as possible. The higher the ratio the worse your health. Anything above 4.4 is considered high and needs attention.
Here’s how to lower TC/HDL:
Fasted Glucose: It’s no secret this score dictates how close you are to becoming diabetic. The lower the number the better – a score of 5.6 to 6.9 mmol/l is considered pre diabetic.
Here’s how to lower faster glucose:
Blood Pressure: the force at which blood is pumped around your body, lower numbers indicate blood moving freely, higher numbers mean your heart is working overtime. Any score above 120/80 requires attention.
Here’s how to lower blood pressure:
C-Reactive Protein (CRP): CRP is a blood protein that is increased due to inflammation. Inflammation (measured using CRP) has been linked with diabetes, heart disease & high blood pressure. The less CRP you have in your blood the better. A healthy individual will have a score 0.3 mg/dL or lower. Anything above 1.0 mg/dL indicates high levels of inflammation in the body.
Here’s how to lower CRP:
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): TSH is an indictor of how well your metabolism is working. A healthy TSH score is between 0.3-4.2 mlU/l, a score above 4.2 mlU/l indicates slow thyroid function and requires attention.
Here’s to improve TSH:
Tracking these health markers can add years to you life and quality to those years. These tests give us clear results about what, in our bodies, is functioning optimally and what needs improving.