Blog: Category

Collagen: The Key to Longevity for your Skin

We are all getting older! There’s no getting around it and no matter how old you are, chances are the number one way others perceive your age is through your skin. However the speed of your aging is greatly effected by a number of lifestyle...

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My take on the Keto Diet for Weight Loss

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few year, you’ve no doubt herd of the “Keto Diet.” The keto diet is fairly simple, you just drop all the carbs from your diet (apart from vegetables) to keep the total intake below 50g...

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Carbs – Friend or Foe?

If you want to start an argument about diet, bring up carbs (or gluten, but that’s a topic for another time.) Carbs have long been dubbed the enemy of fat loss & are usually the first to get cut from the diet! But how much...

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Body Maintenance on Holiday

So you’ve been working your ass off in the gym & eating really well to get yourself in decent shape for your holiday.. But what happens when you get there or worse when you get back? After making good progress one of the biggest de-motivators...

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Muscle Building Snacks

Looking to build some muscle? If so, getting a proper nutritional program in place is key. One big error that some people make is focusing only on the main three meals of the day – breakfast, lunch, dinner. Loading up on eggs at breakfast and...

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