Blog: Category

Parabens – Skincare’s biggest bad guy

In a world where we are increasingly aware of what we eat, it’s no surprise that we are becoming more aware of the ingredients in our skincare and what we put on our face. But which product ingredients are good and which are bad? Anyone who’s...

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Lean Legs: The Estrogen Connection

Are you comfortable wearing short shorts!? If you answered “no” this is what probably brought you here in the first place! Our hormones, in particular estrogen plays a major role in losing fat from your legs. Although both testosterone and estrogen are present in both men...

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Diet Hack: Reducing Sugar Cravings

You’ve committed to stop eating junk food & sugar. For a few days (or even weeks), you stay strong – sticking to your commitment. But soon you start to feel deprived, which makes the food you’ve sworn to give up all the more mouth watering....

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Eat Fat for a Healthy Lean Body

With all the different nutritional advice available these days, how can you even begin to know what food choices to make? Lets look at fat for example. For years it has been painted as an evil monster and the root cause of high cholesterol, heart disease...

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Fasting for Fat Loss

Fasting has become increasingly popular over the years, especially in the fitness world. However fasting is not a new concept, it’s been used for centuries during times when food was scarce and it even plays a central role in many major religions. Think about this for a...

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