Blog: Category

Carb Cycling: My Fat Loss Diet of Choice

We all know in order to lose weight we need to control our carbohydrate intake! For some that will mean a period of time where they will eat very little carbs. However a strict nutritional regimen of  low carbs can be hard on the body and...

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Healthy Food Guide

These days, simply the act of eating healthy can be mind boggling. Scanning the supermarket aisles you’ll find eye-catching slogans reading things like “fat free, sugar free, gluten free, low calorie, no salt, no added flavours, all natural”, the list is endless. Saying it’s occasionally confusing...

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Fat Loss Mistakes

In theory, losing weight seems simple enough: Eat less, move more. Right? Anyone who’s ever tried to shred some pounds knows that diet and exercise isn’t as black and white as it may seem. If you’ve set out to lose some weight before the holiday season...

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Supplement Staples: Probiotics

Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician and “Father of Modern Medicine,” once said that all disease starts in the gut. Not 100% correct, but pretty damn close! When gut health is compromised, the risk of disease rises markedly. Probiotics hold the key not just for better health...

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Getting Rid of that “Last Little Bit” of Fat

Once you’ve made progress and lost serious body fat, you face the most frustrating & tedious part: losing the last little bit of fat. A question I get asked regularly is exactly that; “how do I get rid of this last little bit of fat?” To...

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