Blog: Category

Essential Vitamins for Women

Today’s women are more health-conscious than ever before. They are eating better & working out harder, however the subject of supplementation is still somewhat misunderstood. Women of every age, weight and activity level need to consume a wide variety of vitamins to have optimal health...

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7 Ramadan Fat Loss Tips

The blessed month of Ramadan is only a few weeks aways and many see it as an opportunity to lose body fat and improve their health. With fasting extending for around 13-14hrs this year, it is surprising that rather than losing weight many people end the...

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Is Alcohol stalling your fat loss efforts?

Alcohol is deeply rooted in our culture as a way to have fun, let loose, and be social. Companies that market alcohol know exactly how to push our buttons. Our brains are seemingly wired to desire a stiff drink after a tough day at work or...

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Less Stress = Leaner Body

Stress is inevitable – there will never be more hours in the day, and your work and family responsibilities will always be demanding. Cortisol is your bodies response to stress – in small amount this is good however, when cortisol is chronically released from an...

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Simple & Effective Fat Loss Tips

When it comes to fat loss you can’t avoid the basics – these need to be daily staples! As you’ve heard time and time again, achieving body fat levels you can maintain long term requires a permanent lifestyle change. No one wants to workout and eat right and...

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