Blog: Category

Sleeve Tearing Arms

Every guy I’ve ever known, at some point in his life, has wanted bigger and/or more ripped arms. Just like every girl who hires a trainer says she wants to lose fat from her thighs and get a flat stomach, guys will say they want...

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Treat Meal not Cheat Meal

The negative connotation associated with the word “cheat” implies that by having a meal outside of a healthy nutrition plan, you are doing something you shouldn’t. Apart from the initial 2-4 week period of a fat loss program whereby the goal is to maximise insulin...

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Magnesium the Anti-Stress Mineral

Stress is unfortunately unavoidable, but our ability to manage stress is greatly influenced by our health and in particular, our magnesiums levels. Poor dietary habits & pharmaceutical drug use are among the most common reasons why many people today are dangerously deficient in magnesium, a necessary...

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Everyday I have a discussion with someone regarding calories – how many should I have? I don’t want to eat too many. This food is lower in calories than that food.. And so forth! In my experience people (especially women) are terrified of the word...

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The Death of the Low-Fat Diet

World Health Organisations are finally admitting they were wrong, that low-fat products and low-fat diets weren’t the answer to the rising obesity rates. Dietary fat wasn’t the cause – it was in fact refined carbohydrates, sugar and neglecting an extremely important macronutrient – FAT! Not only has...

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