Blog: Category

Fat Loss Training Splits

Structuring training splits for fat loss varies from person to person. In this blog I am going to give you a general idea of how I structure my programs for fat loss for males and females. Let’s start with females: I believe the female body responds...

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Eight Keys to Permanent Fat Loss

Inflammation – control inflammation by eliminating refined carbohydrates (insulin makes us fat & keeps us fat). Nutrition – a return to the Paleolithic diet (meat, poultry, seafood, fruit, vegetables, nuts & seeds) of our ancestors will promote fat loss. Toxin Reduction – detoxifying will increase your...

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January Nutrition Goals – Step 2

After eliminating Gluten, wheat, dairy & refined sugars for a few week you will already start feeling more energised and have probably starting putting that extra energy to good use in the gym. The next step is to focus on your protein intake to ensure...

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January Nutrition Goals – Step 1

If in 2016 your goal is to lose body fat, gain lean muscle tissue, increase energy levels, be more productive, improve your quality of sleep, be happy or improve your overall health here is where you begin… Your Nutrition!! Without an abundance healthy nutrients flowing...

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Determining how many Carbs YOU need for optimal Fat Loss

Carbohydrate intake is one of the most important factors in losing body fat. Too much will lead to increased body fat, too little can cause muscle atrophy. Once you work out exactly how much you need you will find losing body fat much more simple....

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