Blog: Category

Bikini Bottoms Training

As summer fast approaches in the southern hemisphere and beach club season is well under way in Dubai, people – in particular women flock to gyms to get chase their ideal bikini body. Every female I have ever trained has always said the same thing...

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Workout Supplements

Getting your workout supplements right can greatly improve the quality of your training session as well as your recovery. The major player here is amino acids – I recommend these to everyone regardless of their goal. Charles Poliquin taught me the importance of these in...

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The Detox

Juice Detox, Tea Detox, Veggie Detox… The word Detox has always been associated with health or weight loss. The most common time for people to “detox” is after a holiday period or after a few weeks hitting the booze hard! If done correctly a detox...

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Building Big Shoulders

There aren’t many guys who don’t want to add some muscle to their upper body – in particular, the shoulders. The wider shoulders you have, the narrower your waist will appear. The best way to grow the deltoids (shoulders) is by training them multiple times...

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Good Carb, Bad Carb

Choosing the right carbohydrates is vital for health and body composition. Carbs are separated into two categories: simple and complex. Simple carbs are digested very rapidly and cause a sharp spike in insulin. Complex carbs obviously being the opposite – they are slower digesting with...

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