Blog: Category

Supplements for Frequent Flyers

People in Dubai travel more frequently than most and the result is inconsistency with eating, training and probably most affected is sleeping. Without consistency with these it makes achieving results much more challenging. I have put together a supplement protocol to assist with improving the...

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Cardio Workouts to Lose Body Fat

Cardio training by no means is the holy grail of fat loss training, but it certainly will accelerate progress when paired with a sound weights training program. But what type of cardio will produce the best fat loss results? Cardio is used for either weight...

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Fat Loss Food

The answer… Fish! It’s as simple as that. Anyone who has ever asked me for advice on nutrition for fat loss would have herd the same answer: include more fish in your diet. If you want to lose body fat quickly include 2-3 servings on...

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Zinc – The Alpha Mineral

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that is found in every tissue in the human body. Zinc deficiency can cause an array of health issues, none more important than lowering of the libido in both men and women – disastrous! If you are a vegetarian...

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Active Rest Days

Rest and recovery is integral for burning body fat and building muscle, however if you have a specific body composition goal in mind rest days, or days of doing no training are often the most challenging. Most people feel like they should be doing some...

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