Blog: Category

Bikini Body Maintenace on Holiday

So you’ve been working you ass off in the gym & eating really well to get that bikini body in shape for your holiday.. But what happens when you get there or worse when you get back? After making good progress there most de-motivating factor...

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Get ripped in Ramadan Volume 1: Breaking the Fast

Leading up to Ramadan every year I get a lot of questions about what to eat to break the fast. The answer is always “It depends on when you will workout” – here are 3 options on what to have to break the fast: Training before Breaking...

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No More Cellulite

Just about all females, at one point have cellulite & not one of them is happy about it. They want it gone yesterday! Here’s 3 things you need to do to remove cellulite: Lift Weights & do sprint training – of all the magic creams...

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Prowler Lean

If I had to choose one exercise, suitable for all levels of fitness, for fat loss it would be prowler sprints! Every time I walk towards the prowler with a client I get the same reaction – a look to the heavens asking “why me?” or...

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Yohimbine Power

WTF is Yohimbine you are probably thinking!! Originally Yohimbine was used to improve sexual drive but more so recently it has been used to aid the loss of “stubborn fat”. You know those areas that just won’t get no matter how well you eat or how hard you...

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