Blog: Category

Lose 4% Body Fat in 4 Weeks

You’ve just booked an impromptu beach vacation that starts in a month, the only problem.. You aren’t bikini ready! Losing 4% body fat in 4 weeks sounds like a bit of a gimmick but I’ve seen it done many times, always by people who have a...

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Remove Love Handles

The Love handles – the areas of extra fat that hang or slightly bulge from your sides, and are also the little rolls on the lower back – both men and women can have these. If you’ve got them you’ve probably tried to get rid of them...

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Rotating Protein Sources

Nearly everyone is aware protein is good for our bodies – just in case lets go through a few important reasons why: Protein is an essential component of every cell in the human body. Hair & nails are mostly made of protein. Our body uses protein to build...

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Ideal Snacks

I get this one a lot – “What can I have for a snack?” And I always give the same response – “eat another meal.” I am not a fan of snacks or snacking! One, because it usually turns into a meal for me where...

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The Perfect Breakfast

The first thing men think about in the morning is sex… But not long after that we think about breakfast. Known as the the most important meal of the day and rightly so – your breakfast sets up your entire neurotransmitter production for the day. Enter the...

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