Blog: Category

Supplements you need on a low carb diet

To initiate fat loss there needs to be a period of low carb intake, by low I mean the only carbs you will consume are from vegetables or less than 20% of your daily caloric intake. The duration of the low carb varies person to...

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My Top 3 Reasons to Drink Coffee

Some love the taste, some love the euphoric effects of caffeine – either way people can’t live without it. Coffee is actually very healthy, its loaded with antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that can improve your health. Coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of several serious diseases &...

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How Hard do you Train?

In every single set you do in the gym there ids a moment where your brain tells your body “that’s enough”. And 95% of the time thats where you will end the set – don’t feel bad, it happens to everyone. Pushing your body to...

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Get More Sleep

Getting adequate rest every night is one of the simplest and most dramatic ways to improve body composition. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night by establishing a consistent sleep schedule should be a staple daily goal – including a nap during the...

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L-Carnitine + Fish Oil = Fat Loss

Well the equation is not as simple as that, but these 2 supplements combined pack a powerful punch when it comes to losing body fat. Charles Poliquin first introduced me to this combination at a seminar in Rhode Island back in 2012 & since then...

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