Choosing the right carbohydrates is vital for health and body composition. Carbs are separated into two categories: simple and complex. Simple carbs are digested very rapidly and cause a sharp spike in insulin. Complex carbs obviously being the opposite – they are slower digesting with a much lower Glycemic Index. Here are my favorite carb sources:
The absorption of the above is much better than refined carbs, sugary and wheat based foods. The following is a list of refined carbs that I recommend you avoid for optimal body composition:
Any wheat based product I advise you avoid – wheat is one of the most inflammatory foods people consume on a daily basis. Avoiding will improve health and well being immediately. Eating refined carbohydrates once and a while won’t cause any chance in body composition just as eating one healthy meal won’t cause you to lose body fat. Consistency is the key here – if you consistently make the right carb choices you will see positive changes is your body.